It is not meant as a substitute for actually saving your files. There are some important things to consider before you start relying on AutoRecover, however. Save More Frequently with AutoRecover in Word 2011
How to insert a check mark in Microsoft Word.It integrates easily with the Time Machine backup on your Mac, and offers ample space for storing all of your data. Luckily Word 2011 includes an AutoRecover utility that will periodically save your data every 10 minutes, but you can adjust that setting to increase the frequency of the AutoRecover file creation.Īre you looking for a simple way to periodically back up your data? Check out the Apple Time Capsule. In theory we should all be saving our work manually every few minutes to prevent the loss of work that we have completed but, when you are thinking hard about what you are trying to say, that isn’t always practical. But there are less disastrous crashes that can cause you to lose data that hasn’t been saved in a while, such as when you are typing a document in Word 2011.
Losing data when your hard drive crashes is a very unfortunate event that can be devastating if you haven’t backed up that data.